laphámrák rák pattanás
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Döbbenetes esetről számolt be egy fiatal lány, aki 3 évvel ezelőtt egy bizarr betegség áldozata lett. 

Marisha Dotson története egy pattanással kezdődött az orrán. A lány nem vett róla tudomást, ám a pattanás növekedni kezdett és be is gyulladt, ezért orvoshoz fordult segítségért. A szakember megállapította, hogy a gyulladás hátterében semmi komoly dolog nem áll, maximum egy furcsa formájú aknéról van szó.

I'll save some thoughts for Sept.16th, but I did want to express why today is important to me.Three years ago, a 15 plus hour Moh's surgery changed my world, set me on a what would be a long torturous battle to survive, and made me reevaluate what devastation feels like. This journey has also shown me how to reevaluate how I see love and hope, even against some truly crushing odds. I've actually gotten a lot of bullying this week about how "ruined" my face is. It hurt for like five seconds, but honestly I know my strength and worth on such a conscious and intimate level. I know who I am. It's going to take a lot more than petty or judgmental words to bring me down. I didn't let cancer crumble me, and I sure as heck won't let someone else devalue what I sacrificed for. My value isn't in my face or what people think about me. No one's is. I don't regret having the surgeries to remove the cancer every flipping time it kept chasing me like crazy because I'm ALIVE. I have fought for it. Last year I was making end of life preparations, and this year I'm still here with a highly optimistic reach for the future. That Marisha three years ago who didn't know how difficult things would be ahead and the me I am today: I am okay with both because I know I'm proud of my efforts to remain grounded to who I am and unbroken despite the broken body pieces that can never be replaced. This day is important because instead of giving up and allowing my heart to stay in tragedy, it is a reminder of what I can overcome. That kind of power can't be cut away from me. #cancerslayer #cancerprincesswarrior #scarsarebeautiful #scarstellastory

Marisha Dotson (@marigorosey) által megosztott bejegyzés,

A pattanás azonban nem húzódott vissza, hanem tovább nőtt. Sőt, Marisha rendszerint fáradtnak, levertnek érezte magát, ezért felkeresett egy bőrgyógyászt, hogy kiderítsék a furcsa tünetek okát. Ekkor derült ki a döbbenetes hír: a 25 éves lány bőrrákos, egész pontosan laphámrákban szenved.

I was expecting today to be rough since I was active. In addition when the weather and temperature shift even the slightest I'm super sensitive to it. I hate when the inflammation gets bad, and I really hate the Two-Face lip. It makes me want to cry hard, so for that alone I'm sharing. I don't fit in a box. I'm not particularly like everyone else. I know without doubt a face doesn't designate who we are. I feel people may judge, but I know I fought for these survival scars. I accept everything the scars mean. I know it's all going to be fine, even on bad days. Don't let anyone/anything make you feel inadequate. Ever. Just love. All I want is to binge Netflix in Super Woman hoodie & ice pack right now, but alas my Comcast is cut off. Wi-Fi is a great distraction when the pain peaks that I got spoiled with having it. Medical expenses outweigh the Wi-Fi bill... BTW, an enormous thanks to everyone who has been helping with meals. I would literally be starving without you. I have several Dr./ oral surgeon appts a week, so I have no budget for anything else.This way, I also have some nutrition for my healing body as well as less stress for me not having to make the meals when I'm sick/working around my dietary restrictions/shopping/clean up since I already have so much on my plate. It means a lot! ❤ Speaking of medical expenses, a small tangent. My cancer originated in my nose and nerves, and then metastasized to the facial bones, oral cavities, and oral nerves.I have okay health insurance, but it won't cover anything dental&dental co-pays, even though it's a condition that began from my nose. That's why I have to save so much and raise money for the dental prosthesis, because it's not covered as health insurance. It's also not an elective decision to NEED dental care. Now, I have to see the dental surgeon/ prosthetics dentist as part of my team of Dr.s, but as out-of-pocket costs. It's not a choice, and my insurance is still using that loop hole. Cancer is exhaustively too expensive to handle alone, especially a young person with no parents who hasn't even had the chance to become established yet. So many miracles I'm here. #cancerprincesswarrior #survivor #scars

Marisha Dotson (@marigorosey) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Ezt követően egy 15 órás műtét várt rá, melynek során eltávolították a beteg bőrrészt az orráról. De még ezután sem inthetett búcsút a szörnyű időszaknak, ugyanis kiderült, hogy a rákos sejtek már mélyebb rétegeket is elértek.


Marisha Dotson (@marigorosey) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Ezért egy újabb beavatkozás alkalmával eltávolították az orra kétharmadát, amit a füléből kinyert porockkal pótoltak vissza. De még itt sem ért véget a történet, mert további rákos sejtek jelentek meg, így darabokat kellett kivágni az orrából, az arcából de még a füléből is. Nagyon el volt keseredve, úgy érezte már soha nem lesz egészséges ennyi rossz hír után. Nem is tudta feldolgozni, mikor gyógyultnak nyilvánították:

"Annyira megszoktam már a folyamatos negatív híreket, hogy a pozitív eseményeket nem is tudtam feldolgozni. Azonnal sírva fakadtam, a leletemet pedig bekereteztem" - írta meg a Cosmopolitan.

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