Előtte-utána fotón Király Linda: mintha kicserélték volna

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Egy 2019 januári és egy 2019 augusztusi fotót tett egymás mellé Király Linda, hogy szemléltesse, mekkorát változott a teste és az élete.

Király Linda súlyproblémái hátterében egy agyalapi adenoma állt, mely pajzsmirigy-alulműködéssel, hormonproblémákkal, inzulinrezisztenciával, hízással, hajhullással és depresszióval járt együtt. Sokszor fájdalmas volt felkelnie is. Linda már jól van, rengeteget fogyott, posztjában azt írja, ma már úgy érzi, hogy ő kontrollálja az életét és a testét.

A bejegyzés megtekintése az Instagramon

It took me a long time to gather the courage to post this but the truth is it’s time to let go of the past and leave all the pain behind..i remember looking in the mirror the past few years and not recognizing myself..my illness had literally made me a prisoner of my own body and I was on the verge of giving up. I felt shame because I couldn’t control what was happening to me and I felt weak because I couldn’t fix it. Im still going through the process but I am finally learning to love and appreciate myself and the journey that was placed in front of me. I am proud of myself..proud of every obstacle I’ve had to conquer, every setback I’ve had to endure and every hard decision I’ve had to make. I was dealt these cards for a reason and I am stronger today than I’ve ever imagined I could be because of it. My health issues started with a pituitary adinoma and my symptoms ranged from underactive thyroid, insulin resistance,hormonal imbalance,weight gain,sleep issues,mood swings,depression, hair loss to painful water retention that was so bad it was an actual mission to be on my feet on a day to day basis.I felt like every direction I turned there was a roadblock being slammed down in front of me and I couldnt understand why my life was being put on hold.. I’ve had times when I’ve felt sorry for myself and Completely helpless...but I finally feel like I have control over my body and my life.I am so grateful for everyone who has stood by me these past few years and my “dream team” of people who have made it possible for me to finally take the reins in my life.I love you all and although this is by no means the end of my journey, It definitely is the beginning of my new life. ❤️ (Magyarul a masodik kepen ❤️) #weightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney #beforeandafterweightloss #vsg #fitness #training #workhard #fighter #bodypositive #bodypositivity #curvy #curvygirl #proud #pituitarytumor #underactivethyroid #hormonalimbalance #workhard #faith #believeinyourself #30kilosdown #loveyourself #loveyourbody

▪️They call me LáLá▪️ (@lindakiraly) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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