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Nem fél a kitárulkozástól Grace Victory, aki túlsúlya ellenére is bátran mutatja meg a világnak gömbölyded idomait meztelenül.

Grace Victory borzasztó nehéz időszakon ment át, mire eljutott odáig, hogy elfogadja önmagát. A túlsúlyos modellt gyermekként rengetegen bántották testalkata miatt, ám mára rájött, a boldogság nem a kilóktól függ.

Gyerekként nem is igazán láttam az enyémhez hasonló testet, vagy ha igen, azt is elrettentésként mutogatták mindenhol. Azóta sikerült meggyógyulnom, átéltem egy óriási lelki utazást és szeretem az életemet." – idézi Grace szavait a Metro.

A modell bevallotta, amikor először posztolt a közösségi oldalra, nagyon félt és nem volt benne biztos, hogy jó ötlet-e. Később azonban sorra érkeztek hozzá a pozitív hozzászólások és a mai napig büszke népes követőtáborára, akik mindig támogatják őt.

You rarely get to see images like this so hello, hi please enjoy me from behind.

Grace (@gracefvictory) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Sometimes I feel the pressure.. just like you do. I wake up some days and I see something online or I hear a conversation as I pass someone by and I feel it. That sinking feeling that you’re not good enough & that life would just be better if you lost weight. But a few years ago I lost it. I slimmed down and made myself smaller. I could fit into Topshop jeans, I could pose in photos with my collar bones out and I could be at the receiving end of comments like “omg you look so good now”. But what I wasn’t prepared for was a feeling of emptiness and dread. The feeling that I had to lose one more fucking pound and the isolation I was surrounded by because I was terrified of going out - just incase I had to go “off plan” from my safe foods. I learned that happiness was NOT at the end of weight loss because you can lose all the weight in the world and it won’t be enough •• The pressure for me will always be there because society has created a mould that I will never fit in. And although it can be hard and draining, I am happy with being an “outsider”. I am happy that I’m not a conventional beauty. I don’t want to fit in and live up to other people’s expectations, I set my own limits. I am bigger than before, but maybe the world needs more of me now. I have achieved so much in this body - the body I was so desperate to get rid of. It has enabled me to do incredible things and through everything - it’s still here. I used to believe giving in and surrendering was weak, but now I realise it is a sign of strength It takes courage to live your truth so boldly and I hope if you look like me and by seeing this photo.. maybe you can live your truth too. Shine on baby girls ✨

Grace (@gracefvictory) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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