Állva szoptatott az édesanya a vonaton, mert az utasok nem adták át a helyüket

édesanya anyaság szoptatás etetés vonat közlekedés
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Cikkünk több mint egy évvel ezelőtt frissült utoljára, a benne szereplő információk elavultak lehetnek.
Rengeteg fiatal utazott a vonaton, de egyikük sem adta át a helyét annak az édesanyának, akinek állva kellett szoptatnia gyermekét. Az interneten osztotta meg történetét.

Stratfordból utazott Wickfordba Kate Hitchens kétgyermekes édesanya, akinek Londonba kellett mennie egy munkahelyi esemény miatt. Azt mondja, amikor a metrón utazott, semmi gondja nem volt, többen át akarták adni a helyüket, napközben pedig cumisüvegből etette a féléves Charlie-t.

Amikor azonban felszálltak a zsúfolt vonatra, meg kellett szoptatnia az éhes, síró gyermeket. Senki nem adta át a helyét, így állva kellett etetnie a kicsit. A Dailymailnek elmondta, hogy többen szemkontaktust teremtettek vele és mosolyogtak, így nem áll fenn a lehetősége annak, hogy senki sem vette észre, mi történik.

"Kényelmetlenül és kínosan éreztem magam" - mondta az édesanya, aki az interneten is megosztotta történetét.

A bejegyzés megtekintése az Instagramon

On my way home from London on a packed commuter train and this is what I faced. What has the world come to that a mother has to stand up on a moving train breast feeding a wriggling and writhing 6 month old, 20lb baby?! The point here isn't just that I found it difficult because I was nursing (although that was bloody difficult!), but that not one person offered a mother carrying a small child a seat for around half an hour, or 3 stops! I could have asked, but I didn't. I felt silly. I shouldn't have to ask. Maybe some people didn't see. I know for a fact some did; they made eye contact and actually smiled at me. I was thinking stop smiling and offer me your seat please! One lady looked up from her book and immediately offered me her seat, another lady then sat in it and when the lovely lady said 'Oh excuse me I actually gave up my seat so this lady with a baby could sit down' the sitting lady shrugged, plugged her earphones in and closed her eyes! I like to think that she needed that seat more than me, perhaps she was newly pregnant and in that early exhaustion period, perhaps she was knackered after a day at work, perhaps she was ill. Or perhaps she was just a twat. I hope not. I can somewhat understand not offering your seat to someone elderly; perhaps they might be offended you think they look old! I can understand not offering your seat to someone you suspect might be pregnant; maybe it's just their time of the month or perhaps they are just naturaly curvy and they aren't pregnant; perhaps you worry you might offend them. I cannot get my head around not offering a parent with a child a seat. Next time you see someone with a child on a train - if you're able bodied and fit and healthy please offer your seat to them!

Hitchens' Kitchen BLW Club (@baby_led_weaning_club) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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