Három nappal a szülés után mutatta meg testét Ryan Lochte felesége

modell terhesség szülés után Ryan Lochte
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Három nappal a szülés után mutatta meg testét az úszóbajnok Ryan Lochte modell felesége, Kayla Rae Reid.

A héten megszületett a korábbi úszóbajnok, Ryan Lochte és az egykori Playboy-modell, Kayla Rae Reid második gyermeke.

A büszke anyuka úgy döntött, három nappal a szülés után megmutatja testét a közösségi oldalán. A fotóhoz azt írta, smink nélkül, zsíros hajjal és megviselt mellekkel is vállalja önmagát és egyáltalán nem érdekli a külseje, szeretne gyermekére koncentrálni.

A bejegyzés megtekintése az Instagramon

I took this photo 3 days postpartum. No makeup, greasy hair and engorged boobs. I was going to keep this photo personal to track my own progress. (or else I would have at least put a little make up on ) BUT whatever, I changed my mind. My body has always been a major factor for work for me. It has always been a “job” to remain in shape and that’s what has always kept me motivated. Having kids has had to make me work twice as hard because I am truly just not one of the people to “bounce back” effortlessly. With Caiden I gained about the exact same weight (50ish pounds).. I remember I went to the mall when Caiden was about 1-2 months old and was asked by the lady at the cashier “when are you due?” I had to work my ass off to feel like I had MY body back. (And that’s okay) My point to this photo is to show MY journey and hopefully give any of you the encouragement or motivation you need to feel best in YOUR skin. Although I really could care less about my body at this moment because my main concern is feeding my child, I know that my body will ALWAYS “come back” based on the effort and TLC I put into it. I love hard work and a challenge, this photo is that to me! I don’t think there is anything wrong with having the desire to look good! For me, it’s about genuinely loving yourself and feeling YOUR best and healthy self internally and externally. Hard work is always worth it. I am confident that when I am ready to put in the work, my body will reciprocate my efforts! I am proud of what my body is capable of! Every postpartum journey is different and should be celebrated for creating LIFE!!! #thisispostpartum #motherhood #myjourney #postpartumbody ❤️

Kayla Lochte (@kaylaraereid) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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