Bepisilős szelfit osztott meg egy lány, betegségére akarta felhívni a figyelmet

betegség gerincsérülés inkontinencia pisilés gerinc
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Ejtőernyőzés közben sérült meg a gerince, Emma Carey-nek, már tud járni, felépült, azonban nem teljesen tért vissza élete a régi kerékvágásba. Súlyos inkontinenciával küzd, erről pedig fotót is készített, amit Instagram-oldalára töltött fel. 

A Metro cikke szerint Emma Carey Queensland-ből ejtőernyő balesetet szenvedett, melynek következtében gerince is megsérült.

I’ve seen this photo floating around the internet lately so thought I’d take a moment to chat about my pee covered pants. This is what I look like every. single. day. Multiple times a day. I think because I can walk, people tend to think I have completely recovered from my spinal cord injury but the truth is I still have many lasting effects, one of them being that I am completely incontinent with both my bladder and bowels. At first I was so embarrassed by this and tried to keep it a secret. I didn’t leave the house because I was so worried that people would find out. I wouldn’t tell anyone why I had to be near a toilet at all times. I wouldn’t let anyone see my catheters or pads. I would run away and hide every time I had an accident. It was exhausting trying to keep it a secret, so instead I just didn’t let anyone close to me. It wasn’t long until I realised that if I was going to get upset and angry every time I peed myself, it would mean that I would be upset and angry every single day of my life. For the rest of my life. And that’s when it hit me.. I survived a bloody skydiving accident. I don’t know how or why but I know that it certainly wasn’t to live a depressing life. I owed myself way more than that. Now it’s five years later and I don’t think I have a single friend that hasn’t seen me pee. I tell people about my incontinence generally within 10 minutes of meeting them. And now I’m posting a picture of my pee covered pants to over 100,000 people without a second thought. The point of this isn’t for sympathy or for praise, it’s to show you that it is completely and entirely possible to not give a single sh*t about the things that people expect you to care about. Just because we have grown up to believe that certain things are taboo or shouldn’t be spoken about, doesn’t mean that they are. Just because people think you should feel embarrassed about something, doesn’t mean you need to. Just because people might judge you on a certain thing, doesn’t mean you need to care. How you feel about certain situations is entirely up to you. If you own your life and all your ‘flaws’, they will never be able to own you. It’s the most freeing thing in the world.

EMMA CAREY (@em_carey) által megosztott bejegyzés,

"Mert tudok járni, az emberek hajlamosak arra gondolni, hogy teljesen felépültem a sérülésemből, de az igazság az, hogy még mindig vannak problémáim. Ezek közül az egyik az inkontinencia" - írta Emma. Húgyhólyagja mindössze 100 milliliter folyadékot tud megtartani, így naponta többször is bepisil.

Szerené felhívni a figyelmet arra, hogy a gerincsérültek nem teljesen gyógyultak akkor, ha már lábra tudnak állni. Sokáig nem mert kimenni a lakásból, nem akarta, hogy az emberek lássák, hogy be van katéterezve, ma már vállalja problémáját, igyekszik teljes életet élni.

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