Íme, a lány, aki allergiás az életre, mégis pozitív tud maradni - Fotó

allergia étel
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Cikkünk több mint egy évvel ezelőtt frissült utoljára, a benne szereplő információk elavultak lehetnek.
A mindössze 20 éves Lauren Wittering borzasztó betegséggel küzd: mindenre allergiás. A fiatal lány szinte a kórházban él és elképesztően lefogyott, de mégsem veszítette el a reményt.

Lauren Witteringnek tinédzserkorában kezdtek megjelenni az allergiás tünetek, melyek kezdetben csak kiütések voltak, később pedig levegőt sem kapott és rendszeresen elájult. Az orvosok eleinte azt hitték, hogy tej- és szójaallergiára, ezért a lány eszerint is kezdett el étkezni. A tünetek azonban nem múltak, csak súlyosbodtak, és a rengeteg vizsgálat során kiderült, hogy Lauren szinte minden ételre allergiás. Két év leforgása alatt 30 kilót fogyott, és folyamatos kórházi kezelésre szorul, ám nem adja fel a küzdelmet. Követőit az Instagram-oldalán bíztatja, hogy igyekezzenek a dolgok jó oldalát nézni és pozitív maradni minden élethelyzetben.

A bejegyzés megtekintése az Instagramon

MY NEW LIFELINE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Welcome - HERCULES this little line is going to give me strength ; just like the god of strength and amazingly I’ve found out Hercules rides Pegasus (my name for pegJ so how fitting ) a lot of you guessed correctly I was amazed ! But here’s the official name reveal HERCULES THE HICKMAN it is - I hope you’ll serve me well •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••The placement wasn’t too nice ; they couldn’t use the same tunnel track like they hoped so had to retunnel just next to my old site and it was pretty uncomfortable but it was okay ! unfortunately passing some coffee ☕️ on the way back from IR sent me into anaphylaxis and safe to say I gave my nurses a baptism by fire “we knew you had anaphylaxis NOT anaphylaxis LIKE THAT ” they looked after me so well with ITU teams intervention but it was deemed safer for me to kept in my bubble today I feel pretty exhausted but happy to have Hercules In place and will commence my training again when I’m back up to it mummas going to come for some toooooo they’ve also decided to let my body rest a few days before trialling any lipids so that’s the plan - love from me and my new little friend Hercules we’re here for the long run bring on Lauren 2.0 - pots of love and hope

Lauren wittering (@potsofhope) által megosztott bejegyzés,

A bejegyzés megtekintése az Instagramon

Hey beautiful people ! I'm back with a post after a few days ✨ so I wanted to write a little about perceptions here are two photos taken in the same place two days apart ; take the first one - I'm standing , smiling looking "healthy" you can't see the wheelchair just out of shot or how unwell I felt this was a 2 second stand for a photo , but any immediate perception would be I am happy and healthy the second picture ; I'm using Wilbur ♿️ smiling again ; but immediately my invisible illnesses have become visible ? People look at you differently either with pity or sadness I don't want people to feel sorry for me , on this trip I was as happy as could be laughing and wheeling along ♿️ when you're in the half way house between wheelchair using and walking it's a tricky one sometimes when you're standing you don't get those looks and you just blend in! But equally no one understands everything going on behind your smile I just want to say don't take anything at face value , there's always a story , there's always a reason - just because someone is smiling doesn't mean they're doing better or they're not sick anymore , and telling us "you look well" (I know you're trying your best) but it doesn't make our illnesses and struggles go away our laughter and our smiles are making the most of everything !! Just because we're sick doesn't mean we cry all the time , and when we do you don't see it if anything I laugh more now and even laugh about how my illnesses affect me ✨ so don't judge others ; don't assume if they're standing and they're smiling they're doing better , you never know how they're feeling or what's around the corner whether you're using a wheelchair or you're walking around ; be strong ! Be assertive ✨ it doesn't matter what others think , you're doing what's best for you , moments you're worrying about others perceptions are moments you're not enjoying , and you deserve to enjoy every moment - laugh until you can't laugh any more ; smile until your face hurts and always keep smiling , even if it's not on the outside keep it within you! Pots of love , hope and smiles to you all

Lauren wittering (@potsofhope) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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