Emily Hartridge autóbaleset
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Szomorú hírt tettek közzé Emily Hartridge Instagram-oldalán: az influencer és személyi edző autóbalesetet szenvedett, és meghalt. 

Emilytől megható posztban búcsúznak a saját közösségi oldalán: "Különleges személyiség volt, el sem tudjuk képzelni, milyen lesz nélküle" – írták többek között a bejegyzésben.

A bejegyzés megtekintése az Instagramon

LET ME BE YOUR BRAIN BUDDY ❤️ - The reason I called my women’s mental health meet up ‘Brain Buddies’ is because I think we ALL need a brain buddy - As I’ve said before human connection when it comes to mental health is so so important To share how you feel with someone else who can relate is extremely powerful and immediately reassuring - I wanted to create a safe space where women could talk about whatever they wanted and feel supported by other women who have gone through similar experiences - I am so excited about my next meet up I can’t TELL YOU - DATE: This Saturday July 13th TIME: 2pm LOCATION: Green Park MEETING POINT: If you get off at green park tube there is area where they rent deck chairs, I will be waiting there ‍♀️ - Extra note: WOMEN ONLY - If the weather decides to sh*t on us I will change location☔️ - No need to purchase tickets, just turn up But of course if you have any questions please DM me - Please don’t feel worried about turning up alone, everyone is so lovely and welcoming And please don’t worry if you don’t want to talk, you can just sit there and listen - This is just a chat between a group of girls about anxiety, depression and all things related to mental health - I want to start a movement of talking and sharing about what is going on in our brains so I hope you will come and meet lots of new brain buddies ❣ - See you there YEAH? ‍♀️ ________________________________________________ #brainbuddies #mentalhealth #women #mentalhealthawareness #anxiety #depression #mentalhealthmeetup #london #greenpark #recovery #motivation #inspiration #abs #strong #strength #fit #fitness #muscles #strength #happiness #smiling #laughter

Emily Hartridge (@emilyhartridge) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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