Őrülten jó Instagram kihívást indított el a magyar modell, Peleskey Bence

védekezés szakáll koronavírus Peleskey Bence
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Peleskey Bencét, a 38 éves magyar modellt az Insagramról ismerhetjük, valamint ő Szabados Ági híradós kedvese is. Most egy olyan népszerű kihívást indított el, amely segíthet a koronavírus elleni küzdelemben.

Pelesky Bencének a szakálla volt a védjegye, mégis úgy döntött megválik tőle. Azt is elárulta, miért:

„Megértek mindenkit, aki ragaszkodik a szakállához. Az enyém is már 7 éve megvolt, de eljött az idő, amikor áldozatokat kell hoznunk. Ahogy az egészségügyben fáradhatatlanul dolgozók is ezt teszik, a rendőrség és a katonaság által hozott áldozatokkal együtt, ezért nagy köszönet nekik!"

A bejegyzés megtekintése az Instagramon

Those who know me know that I rarely voice my opinion, but I believe that “we” - more in the public eye than others - have a responsibility in what and how we communicate. I would like to start the #itwillgrowbackin40days challenge, because I think there are still so many people who don’t realise the seriousness of this virus. The #coronavirus can survive on almost all surfaces and pose danger to ourselves, our family, our friends and basically everyone we come in contact with during the day. #Beards unfortunately are such surfaces. So we’re going to “quarantine” it. For this challenge we’re going to shave it off and reduce the surface available for the virus to strive. The challenge lasts for 40 days (starting on the 1st of April) and we’ll see how much our beard grows during that time. (We can even document its progress, as we won’t have much else to do.) The word “quarantine” comes from the Italian quarantena, "quaranta giorni" meaning 40 days. Highlighting the importance of thorough hand washing, using a face mask, staying at home and good hygiene in general. Similar to #movember but we’ll be growing a beard for 40 days. Long beards also stop the masks to cover our faces properly so they are a risk factor. As a model, my beard is part of my identity but I’ve decided to part with it for the greater good. I understand everyone who is quite attached to their beards. I had mine for the past 7 years. But this time we all need to make sacrifices. (As all those working tirelessly in healthcare, along with the police and the army are making sacrifices - it is very much appreciated! ❤ - ) We can always grow our beards back, but not our mothers, fathers, siblings and friends... Shave your beard off and let the world know what a dangerous time we live in! Show off your last (and favourite) bearded picture of you alongside your newly clean-shaven face and use the #itwillgrowbackchallenge, #itwillgrowbackin40dayschallenge and #itwillgrowbackin40days tags! We hope that by the time our beards grow back the world will return to normal. #itwillgrowback #love Photo: @szabadosagi P.s.: @kultcooltour

Peleskey (@peleskey) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Peleskey Bence modell lassan egy éve alkot egy párt Szabados Ági híradóssal. Kettejük kapcsolatáról a a Life.hu is beszámolt már.

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