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Egy táplálkozási tanácsadó elárulta, hogyan lehet lefogyni diétázás nélkül.

A Fitness Chef becenévre hallgató Graeme Tomlinson hatalmas népszerűségnek örvendő közösségi oldalán oszt meg hasznos tippeket azokkal a követőivel, akik fogyni szeretnének. A férfi szerint igenis le lehet fogyni rendszeres sport és diéta nélkül, sőt a pizzáról vagy a csokoládéról sem kell lemondanunk, csupán néhány apróságra kell odafigyelnünk.

Szerinte a kulcskérdés, hogy mennyi kalóriát fogyasztunk. Mint mondja, kevesebbet kell fogyasztanunk, mint amennyit elhasználunk. Ha például szeretnénk megenni egy pizzát, megtehetjük, csupán arra kell figyeljünk, hogy az előtte és az utána lévő napon kevesebb kalóriát tartalmazó ételeket fogyasszunk.

A bejegyzés megtekintése az Instagramon

For nutritional ‘improvement’, you are told to replace processed snacks with fruit. This is mostly down to the universally agreed principle that fruit contains nutrients and fibre, whilst generally not being as calorie/sugar dense as most processed snacks. Therefore it’s consumption is seen to benefit its host on many nutritional levels. - - But despite multitude of benefits fruit offers, this example shows that diligence is still required. Here, 100g of one form of ‘fruit’ is 524 calories, yet 100g of another ‘fruit’ is 31 calories. - - Why are the banana chips much higher in calories? It’s a very simple answer. Fresh banana gets 70% of its weight from water, whereas dried bananas lose around 95% of water content, making them a far more concentrated calorie source. Essentially, per 100g, you’re eating the calorie worth of what would be around 5 fresh bananas. The same applies to all dried fruit. - - Banana chips are also different from dried banana. These chips are dehydrated, but also coated in oil and contain additional cane sugar. This further escalates their calorie/sugar profile. Pertinently, several of the calories present in banana chips do not derive from the actual fruit itself. - - If fat loss or sugar reduction is the goal, one is better placed to regularly consume fresh fruits, as opposed to dried/modified versions. Although a food group such as fruit contains nutrients, awareness about its nutritional properties is still required. Blind consumption of any food can unknowingly stall progress. - - Despite its nutritional prowess, fruit still contains calories and sugar. The former being the definitive mediator in fat loss, gain or maintenance. Therefore, if one is aspiring for compositional change, it is always a good idea for them to study the nutritional values of the food they consume. Even if that food belongs to a particularly ‘healthful’ family. - - #thefitnesschef #fruit #calories #sugar #lowcalorie #highcalorie #caloriecontrol #caloriedeficit #driedfruit #fatlosshelp #nutritiontips #nutritionfacts #fatlosscoach #eatsmart #nutrients #fatlossjourney #banana #berries

Graeme Tomlinson (@thefitnesschef_) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Kezdetben nem könnyű számolgatni a kalóriákat. Egy idő után azonban úgy belejövünk, hogy már csak rá kell néznünk az ételre és tudni fogjuk, mennyi van benne” – magyarázta a Mirrornak.

A férfi bejegyzéseiben rámutat, mi az, amin lehet spórolni. Ha például mogyoróvajas kenyeret szeretnénk enni, nem kell megvonni magunktól, csupán arra kell figyelni, hogy ne vastagon kenjük a kenyérre, csak egy vékony rétegben, így érezni fogjuk a kellemes ízét, kalória viszont kevés lesz benne.

A bejegyzés megtekintése az Instagramon

Despite our ‘health regimented’ intentions or following of undesirable orders, eventually we tend to end up doing what we want to do anyway. In this case, smothering peanut butter on toast to accommodate our love of a specific food and our need for energy. - - Limitation, exclusion and extreme conservatism are things you are told you need to do in order to improve your diet. Whilst this is true for fat loss in that decreased calorie consumption = more fat loss, when it comes to foods you adore, extreme restriction can be difficult. You’re told you cannot eat a certain food, but you enjoy it. You’re told you can only eat minuscule portions, but you want more. - - Let me tell you something. If deprived, you will eventually eat your desired portion of that food. And the longer you deprive yourself of it, the more likely you are to take excessive consumption of it to the realms of extortion. - - Sometimes progression is about accepting that you will eat your favourite calorie dense foods because naturally, you enjoy those foods. Taking this exactly for what it is can enable you to find peace. So much so that you will be able to think rationally about the relationship between palatable desire and your fitness goal. Thus, calm rationality and application of logic can enable you to strike an informed compromise. - - Whilst one’s body composition is entirely defined physiological responses to energy in vs energy out, it is one’s mind (and the decisions it makes) which start the process. - - Acceptance and nutritional awareness can therefore shift mindset from unnecessary, anxious deprivation and misery to clear appreciation of one’s own necessity to consume enjoyed foods and cater for health. If the mind is rational and clear, there’s a good chance that the rest of that nutritional journey will follow a similar path. - - Compromise can mediate many of life’s problems, including one’s enjoyment of any food in relation to their wellbeing. - - #thefitnesschef #peanutbutter #portioncontrol #snack #peanutbutterlover #calories #nutbutter #caloriecounting #eatsmart #fitnessmotivation #fatloss #nutritionfacts #nutritioncoach #losefat #bingeeating #losebellyfat

Graeme Tomlinson (@thefitnesschef_) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Az emberek gyakran kapásból rámondják, hogy nem fogyasztanak csokoládét, mert elhíznak tőle. Ha viszont tudatában vannak annak, hogy összesen 250 kalóriát tartalmaz és mindenképp szeretnék megenni, akkor úgy alakítják aznap az étrendjüket, hogy még beleférjen.”

Tomlisonnak további jó tanácsai is vannak azzal kapcsolatban, hogyan érdemes sportolnunk.

Nem feltétlenül kell edzőterembe menni azért, hogy fogyjunk. Napi 10 ezer lépés is nagyszerű kalóriaégető.”

A bejegyzés megtekintése az Instagramon

Despite the many accumulative causes of obesity, sugar has been branded by many foolish nutrition fanatics as the sole perpetrator. ‘Qualified’ practitioners continue to deliver claims that consumption of sugar will result in an ‘anti-metabolic’ style malfunction, causing more relative fat gain that any other calorie source. This is of course a disastrous fabrication of truth. - - Sugar is a carbohydrate. In isolation, it contains 4 calories per gram and does not contain any nutrients, fibre or satiating qualities. Whilst lack of satiety may subjectively lead to excessive consumption of more sugar or general calories, this presumptive permutation can be applied after consumption of any food, regardless of sugar quantity. Furthermore, an individual has the conscious choice to consume more food or not. - - 100g of sugar amounts to 400 calories. But 100g of sugar within this selection of consumable food amounts to 1308 calories. This directly shows us that there are 908 non-sugar comprising calories within these foods. Additionally, that some relatively ‘high sugar’, palatable foods are also high in overall calories anyway. - - As evidence has shown those who wish to comprehend it, a calorie surplus (by whatever means) causes obesity. Therefore, whilst ratios of sugar and other calorie sources may subjectively nurture satiety and food behaviour, consumption of sugar does not inherently affect the possibility of obesity to an individual any more so than consumption of any food. Over time, consumption of too many total calories for the amount an individual moves will result in obesity, regardless of sugar’s presence within those calories consumed. - - Eating/drinking sugar may well contribute to obesity. But only in unison with many other deep rooted nutritional, behavioral and psychological variables; all of which result in the obesity catalyst - a consistent state of caloric surplus. Sugar is merely another pseudo culprit. And it is unfounded. - - #thefitnesschef #obesity #caloriedeficit #sugar #highsugar #fatloss #fatlosstips #nutritionfacts #nutritioncoach #eatsmart #calories #caloriecontrol #diettips #keto #caloriecounting #losefat #fatlosshelp #diet

Graeme Tomlinson (@thefitnesschef_) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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