8 hét alatt 12 centit fogyott Vanessa Chalmers: fotó

fogyás testmozgás egészséges életmód sport edzés
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Mindössze 8 hét alatt 12 centit fogyott a derekából: Vanessa Chalmers most elárulta, hogyan csinálta.

Vanessa Chalmers elárulta, régen rengeteget bulizott és az alkoholban rejlő kalóriák miatt gyorsan meghízott. Egyszer azonban elege lett a pluszkilókból és drasztikus lépésre szánta el magát. Keresett egy személyi edzőt és úgynevezett egészség-coach-ot, és leszámolt az egészségtelen életmóddal - írja a HealthInsta.

Nyolc hét alatt minden reggelt egy egészséges smoothie-val kezdett, majd jöhetett a testmozgás. Bár az ötödik hétre kissé elvesztette a motivációját, személyi edzője nem engedte, hogy feladja. A lánynak 8 hét alatt 12 centivel lett vékonyabb a dereka és immár az egészséges életmód megszállottja lett. Inspirációként rendszeresen posztol Instagramjára, már ezer követőre tett szert.

#transformationtuesday Cringe OMG! When I signed myself up for an 8 week weight loss transformation to write about on @healthistatv the first obligation was a nakey before and after ‍♀️ but a Photo only tells a tiny part of a story. Before I started working out with @bencamara at @no1_fitness I had lost my figure to a couple of months relaxing and enjoying summer. I’d stopped going to the gym and was eating/drinking a lot of crap. Life however my mental health was NOT great. It was, in honesty, a horrible few months. Details aside, I ended up in a rut of low self-esteem and not simply from a little weight gain. There was so much I could change. I’m a BIG believer in ‘food is medicine’, so my diet behaviour was the first thing I approached. I’ve been interested in health and fitness for almost 2/3 years now, but I needed more. I needed to be pushed to my limits and coached through obstacles I had faced time and time again alone in the past. I didn’t go on this journey to look slimmer in a photo. I NEEDED to do it to remind myself of what I’m capable of and how strong I am mentally and physically - and i astounded myself! ️‍♀️ There were some very very tough times (on a strict diet at Christmas AM I MAD!?) I felt like an outcast a lot, faced judgement and concern for my wellbeing but luckily my colleagues at Healthista and best friends are supportive (let alone my health coach @bencamara AKA LIFE COACH). It was all worth it to feel how I feel right now. 1000 x better, fitter and clear-headed. Oh and maybe under 20% body fat and 6.9kg lighter although that might have changed after this past week where of course I indulged like mad! My diary posts will be going live on Healthista throughout Jan and Feb. Happy new year y’all, let’s be grateful for our health . . . #transformation #weightloss #weightlossjourney #transformationinprogress #losingweight #weightlossmotivation #strongnotskinny #mentalhealth #fitfam #fitfamuk #ukfitfam #beforeandafter #strong #health #nutrition #wellness #fitness #foodblogger #fitnessblogger #fitspiration #instafit #workout #exercise #cleaneating #healthyliving #gymlife #girlgains

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