A szuperszexi Nina Daniele lett a 2018-as év playmate-je

Playboy testkép szexi szépség test Nina Daniele playmate
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A Playboy magazin minden évben megválasztja az év playmate-jét, aki a magazinban szereplő lányok közül kerül ki. 2018-ban Nina Danielle lett a szerencsés, akiről bőven készültek szexi fotók az utóbbi időben . 

A bonxi születésű Nina Daniele lett a 2018-as év playmate-je. A Hugh Hefner nevéhez köthető Playboy magazin minden évben kiválasztja azt a szerencsés lányt a magazinnak szereplők közül, aki magáénak tudhatja a címet.

Ahogy Nina bájos és mégis kacér arcát szemügyre vesszük, biztosan akad ötletünk arra, miért ő kapta meg az év Playmate-je címet.

Well Damn. I don’t even know what to say. I’ve never wanted something so much in my life and to see it manifest is a dream come true. I’ve been thinking about what I wanted to say and how I wanted to say it; hoping all the right words would come to me and I’d pop off with something profound but I can’t even think right now, I’m actually crying because I’m so overwhelmed LOL I guess that’s the most honest reaction I can have. I’m usually so good with words and for once I have none. Thank you to everyone at @playboy for making my dreams come true. Thank you for believing in me, for trusting me and for accepting me. Thank you for giving me this platform, this is gonna be one hell of a year AND YOURE STUCK WITH ME NOW MWAHAHAHAHA!!! Thank you @cooperbhefner you are one in a million. I’m so honored to work at your side at something so incomprehensibly huge I can’t even wrap my head around it at times. You are an inspiration to this world! Thank you @deacsy for your vision and your creativity, thank you for seeing the Femlin and me and trusting me to recreate her in bringing your vision to life. Thank you @thisannaisbananas for being unapologetically you, for being brilliant and outspoken, for being a true light in my life. Thank you @tamaraprahamian for always keeping me calm and collected, for making me feel safe and under control when the world is spinning. Thank you to my rock @jhanellecastillo ❤️ for being my biggest supporter, for encouraging me beyond belief and loving me in ALL my moments. @arigbyw @jeremi.lt @patrickpalacios @inretrospekt @evan.would @wishy0uwerenthere @___lo__ @jd_aguon @danielbuerge @lizstewartproductions @elizabethsuman THANK YOU TO THIS TEAM @jenniferstenglein you incredibly talent beautiful GODDESS YOU!! MAKEUP @yomatisse STYLING @awildatheart HAIR @amber_duarte THANK YOU TO EVERYONE who has followed my journey, who has encouraged me and supported me and VOTED for me. I love you all so much and I’m so excited to share with you something so special to me that was made possible because you believed in me too. I AM THE NEWEST PLAYBOY PLAYMATE OF THE YEAR 2018!! TURN UP!!! YASSSSSSS #PMOY2018 #thesavagebunny

NINA DRAMA TheSAVAGEbunny (@ninamariedaniele) által megosztott bejegyzés,

A year ago I shot my first pictorial for @playboy & I knew exactly what to expect. I did my research, I studied and read the magazines, I knew not only would this be an experience of a lifetime but it would simultaneously be a lifetime experience; it would be exactly what I wanted it to be, the beginning of what I can now call my family. People ask me, “Nina, why did you pose for Playboy?” And my answer is always the same, “why wouldn’t I?” I have no stigma or reservations about my body, just what I put in it. The outside is the same as everyone else just dressed a bit different at times or carried a bit different at times. I think in society we are judged more before we strip than after and what I mean by that is this, what’s more vulnerable to me is expressing my “SELF” in the HOW and not the AM. How I dress, how I act, how I speak, pose, love, think ... I am a woman like all women, I feel and bleed the same but HOW I AM is what’s judged and one can only judge when they have the material to do so, metaphorically and physically speaking. Being naked in front of the camera is what it is, it is the AM. It is the self that has nothing to hide behind, it is bare, a moment when the viewer has to make their own organic and original interpretation not influenced by the atmosphere, clothing, style, the little square box we shove ourselves in; it is the YOU in the general sense as in, it is you and it is me; in other words, the whole and complete form before it’s destroyed with what society deems appropriate or fitting. Whatever judgements one may have on MY form is a reflection of their SELF and that ain’t my problem... what I’m trying to say is this, we can all say it’s empowering, it’s about strength it’s about loving yourself and confidence, yes it is...but it’s also just about BEING who you are and having no shame in it, there is less fear in my naked body for me than my clothed one. So when given the opportunity to do so, I jumped right at it ... and here I am. Vote for me everyday by clicking the link in my bio and selecting my photo!! Thank you! I love you all! ❤️ #playboy #playmate #pmoy2018 #drama

NINA DRAMA TheSAVAGEbunny (@ninamariedaniele) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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